Wednesday, May 31, 2006


wow, its been a while...

well, alot has happened since i last updated this blog of mine, which apparently no body views..but who cares really (the last thing i want is to be called a sell out by some organic geek :P)

so many things to write..and yet so little time...such a small mind trying to speak such volumes...its just so hard

so i will just try..well first of all...i discovered something which is probably more exciting and interesting than books...its called a dvd..have u heard of it? its this awesome thing that comes in a circular shape.they call it a plays movie if u put it in this thing they call the dvd player and u have to plug it behind your tv....and there are alot of movies nowadays which comes in the form of dvd...the one iam watching is called...yep...u guessed it....24!!!! i finished the 1st season last week and it was awesome iam now in the 2nd season

so this is one of the things that has been keeping me busy and keeping me tied up from loggin in the net and updating my blog and wat not..

another of the elderly in my family just passed i had to to there everyday (not that i midn it or anything...just u know....telling) and i hardly have time to...ah never mind u kow what iam getting at

and then last but not least, my computer got spoilt!!!! they formatted the whole thing but i made sure they backed up all those mp3 files which i downloaded with too much patience...patience even god does not have iam sure (ok iam not so sure actually), if god didnt have patience iam sure i would be one of the first people he would drag up and grab me by the collar and with gritted teeth tell me : "what the heaven is up with u son??!!!!" but since iam here updating my blog and doing my assignments and watching 24...i think he has alot patience i gotta give em my respect! he has earned his respect :P whatever...

oh and to all those victims in Yogyakarta earthquake...5000 that is crazy....i have notced that there has been quite a series of natural calamities after the tsunami tragedy...earthquakes mostly..but this one prooved to be more deadly than the rest of it ofcourse....and fuck the government which cant even send help until now!!! we are int he same province u ass wipe!!! if the us reached yogya soil before the local government does...that would be such a shame!!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

lil theory on luck is the thing, i have worked as a salesman for quite while now, and now i see that, things are going well...getting more orders and so on and so forth, i took this as nothing but sheer luck since i always felt that i have dealt with my customers the same way...or maybe i have changed, but the changes in me may have been so slow ans subtle that i didnt even notice it in me, so i considered it sheer luck, until, a wise guy..literally wise, (not wise guy as in smart ass) was talking on the radio about luck and our results..and he told us a motto Johnnie Walker, u know, that whiskey brand, once used :

"The More I Practice, The Luckier Iam"

and that was it, it only took those few words to make it clear for me, its a proverb i can really identify..sooo....cheers to that man! a smart proverb from a drink made to make u dumb!

Monday, May 22, 2006

anti pornography movement in jakarta

a poster saying "saya malu menonton film porno(iam ashamed to watch porno movies)"
well, i think about a few days ago, there were people demonstrating against pornography and porno actions here in jakarta, and i guess, in a general surface/level i do agree that pornography is bad, true, it totally spoils the future of this country, and it totally wrecks people's mentality(if they are not strong that is).

but i guess, in a way, i dont really agree with them demonstrating like that, see first of all, they have a problem in not believing in their own inner strenght, and thats y they wanna stop it, but y stop it? y go do demonstration? and make chaos in this city for unnecessary reasons? y not just stop buying it? the moment u stop buying it, the lesser income those perverts are gonna get, and they will want out of this industry and eventually this will stop-PERMENANTLY. kinda like what mahatma gandhi did for india, winning through non violence, its a long and hard journey to take, but it sure works.

and think about it like this, demonstrating like that sorta gives the message that "hey look, iam not strong, and i cant take it, i will be perverted if u dont stop this pornography, so pls stop it" , ths goes to show, 2 fucked up qualities about u, firstly, u aint strong (duh), u r a two face who might just end up watching porno right after that,y? because u aint strong, fool!

if u have a problem with pornography y dont u stop dealing with it, and if u stop it, automatically the business will stop by itself automatically. simple as that.

this is god testing ur strength.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

...there are just something in this life..which makes u speechless..this is one of the few things, this one just blew me off, i dont know what to say about this....i really dont...really.....

Saturday, May 20, 2006


i just discovered which is by far the most freakiest psychological illness i have ever heard, and i saw it on Oprah...

its called BDD (Body Dysmorphic Dysorder), now, i dont know if it just falls on really really handsome and good looking people, cuz the people in Oprah who actually had it, were like damn good looking.

i missed the first 5 minutes of the Oprah show, so when i turned on the tv there was this gorgeous woman, who i took for some friggin celebrity doing some charity work in the slumps of africa and all that, but boy was i wrong, and looks can be pretty deceiving.

and after a few seconds i discovered that this girl had problems...and out of all the problems she was supposed to have, it ended up her looks...i mean she was really beautifulllll.

and i couldnt grasp it, to audience there couldnt grasp it, hell, even Oprah couldnt grasp it!

and i became more bewildered when the second person was this really drop dead gorgeous guy, and he said that if it wasnt for his fmaily he would have killed himself, he sees a monster when he looks in the mirror.

an i was like "r u blind orsomething man! get an eye check!!!"

when he looks in the mirror, he sees himself as having lots of zits, and lazy read blood shot eyes, its very hard to understand

and me trying to explain it is just impossible, even when the bdd expert over ther tried explaining oprah couldnt get it, and when a shrink in this field cant explain it to oprah, then who the hell am i to explain it.

but u get my point, people who has this illness, thinks of themselves as ugly, u get paranoid, u look in the mirror for hours and hours on end, u keep on lookin in the mirror and see if each and ever pores in your skin is normal, thats how it is really.

....but those people were sooo goooooooodd lookingggg!!!!

oh and btw, that picture right there, her name is Jenny, she was on the Oprah show, she has bdd, and hought that plastic surgery can cure her paranoia, so thats just what happens when u have 25 plastic surgeries done to u. her doctor said that she is not allowed to have any more plastic surgery on her nose, cuz its already at its minimum size, and she makes it small than that, she will end up geting nose collapse

and there was this beautician in the end which got interviewed, she was one of the leading beutician in the us and this is what she said:

"If you get plastic surgery, you wont look young, you will look like you just got a plastic surgery."

Return of the gang

wow i dont know how to begin this thing yo.

but tonight was a rather special one.

tonight i went to watch Da Vinci Code, but thats not the special thing, the special thign was the company (and no it wasnt a date with a hot chick). i went with the gang that got formed when i was in Gsfame for a short while.

too some people who doesnt know this, i was in GsFame (as my friendster profile says) for probably like a year, but well, i dont mean to brag, i was a rather popular kid, and i had this gang with me, so this was a neat gang that got formed, until for no apparent and solid reason i went to india, without telling anyone (except my family, its not like i ran away or something, u know). this was back in around 2000-2001.

and we totally lost contact, this was back when i was a geek trying to be "cool" somehow i ended up being regarded as cool in university and god gave me the good fortune to end up being in a good crowd and get a good gang. all in all i was a pretty sociable dude.

so anyways, its been like 5 solid years we totally lost all contacts possible, until i finally met one of them a few months back, and i got contact number and everything and decided to get ni touch.

but it wasnt until this week that i called him. i dont know y i hesitated to call em during all those months, damn man.

but during this week somehow, a few months after i bumped into that guy, i started thinking...hmmm...i wonder.. well i initiated contact, and i mean whats the loss man, i mean i have basically lost all social credibility in a sense, so really, what have i gotta loose.

so today we all met up, my good ol gang, the gang that was made before my head got a lil screwed...and boy was it something.

and the people who knew me (some of them were new people) all asked me the same question..."why the hell did u go to india!!" and i could only say "i dont know, man, its a question i ask my self everydayyy" because i really dont know man.

but this was awesome, catching up on how it was after i left and knowing that i had a whole university missing me presence, reminded me of the good ol days, and something tells me the good ol days aint so old after all, cuz here they are after all, after 5 years of absence they still acccept me, of course i aint wussy enuff to start crying and say "thanx for accepting me iam so touched" and blah like that hell no! what the hell do u take me for. but it was great to know that we all had something things in common and we could still connect, to see them still sane.

its just funny how help can come from the most unexpected places and comes at the most unexpected times. god definitely works in myterious ways.

oh and about the da vinci code...well...the movie is great, it really got my friends thinking thats for sure, being the catholics that they are, it got me thinking too, but i was thinking about it a long tmie ago, after i finished reading it, which was like 2 years ago.

the movie ofcourse aint as good as the book...all i can say is...dont judge a book by its movie.

not that its bad or anything, its just that the book has got an edge i guess, and i think the reason y this movie is popular is because of the book, if they actually made this movie not based on the book, if the Da Vinci Code was only a movie and not a book, i dont think it would have been such a huge hit. so i guess its mostly thanx to the book.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Shapeshifter's Sound Advice

nope, u guessed wrong, this post aint a long list of sound advices u need to go through life and all that, so incase i have dissapointed u, u can close this window. but before u do close it, i do have, however, one sound advice i would like to share with u, esp if u are a dance music fan...get shapeshifter's sound advice. :P

another great sound advice on sound! courtesy of the amazing Positiva records which is responsible for smashing dance singles such as Toca's Miracle and dj Spiller's classic Groovejet!

now its time for shapeshifters

to some people who have listened to some of shapeshifter's singles such as Back To Basics and Incredible which has been played on the radio again and again, esp Incredible, u might get the impression that this is some sort of a reincarnation of the legendary house duo, Phats n Small (where the fuck are they anyway man, i miss them a hell lot, if i met them on the streets i will yell at them saying "HEY! WHATS WRONG WITH YOUUUUU" :p), but once u buy the cd, i can assure u, that u r mistaken, unlike phats n small who concentrates rahter on the the funk house music genre, the shapeshifters music are quite well colorful, ranging from house funk (DUH!), electronica, maybe a wee bit tinge of trance there, and a lil lounge that somehow has got some tight beats fitted into it.

the first 4 tracks are big ass funky house, so u might get a surprised when the 5th tracks comes and its seriously electronica, might come as quite a shock to u, thats when u realized that u were wrong when u compared these guys to phats n small, i guess the name shapeshifters is due to their colourful music in this album.

my favourite tracks here are, incredible (ofcourse, this has been a radio hit for like months now!, really awesome single), Lola's theme, Sensitivity (the funky bass line here makes u feel like u are back to the 80s), beautiful heartache (now this is something new, u have to have a listen to this one, this music just FLOWS literally, everything, the basslines, the strings ,the vocals, the melody, it...itt...FLOWSSS), and the first single of this album Back To Basics (this shit right here is funky as ever)

so if any of u Phats n Small fans out there waiting in vain for your hero to return here is a lil something for u, to entertain u while u wait endlessly, this is Phats n small and a lil more.

PS: unlike other dance music which has just plain stupid lyrics, this duo, really has a depth in their lyrics. WELL DONE POSITIVA AND NOCTURNAL BEATS.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

beauty of travelling in the streets of j-town!

ahhhh the fresh air, the greenery, which only is available from 6 am to 7:45am, after that, its just smog pollution and some weird smell which until now remains a mystery to me (could it be my driver's armpits? i dont even wanna think about it)

try going around jakarta during rush hour, try going around our beloved city in the evening when the whole bloody sarinah thamrin is going through this 3-in 1 thingie and everyone passes tanah abang, and i lay a bet on u, even if ur cars have a sound proof window glass as thick as 4 inches (might as well make it bulletproof), the superbly annoying sounds of motorcycles and bajaj can penetrate through it somehow. and if u r in silence and there is no motorcycles or bajaj around u, there will always be mosquitos who tries to imitate the sounds of bajaj and motorcycle simple because it must be thinking that u miss those kinda sounds...mybe thats like the ultimate misunderstanding between humans and mosquitos!

and just when u thought busway was a friggin suree, hell no! well...i admit it was for the first few months but then our beloved governer got carried away with the success, and thought "ah well, opening more busway stops and not building them when its half done is not a bad idea and plus i seem to have earn some "extra cash" and since the country doesnt really need it (or maybe iam jsut playing fuckin dumb) i might as well put it in my huge-because-its used-to carrying- so-much-filthy-money-kinda pocket!!" and then, busway was well, just not the busway we all loved and adored. i just dont know how that train thingie they are building is gonna work, but i can be sure of this...we aint singapore!

busway...evening.....1 bus....50 people crammed...hands hanging up to hold the grips....armpits exposed.........uuugghhhh!!! now i know y this city (literally) stinks! and the way the driver drives..when iam standing up and holding those weird grips (and maybe contributing a lil to the stink)..and the driver take a sharp turn, i feel like iam on one of those surfboards that has grips and allows the wind to control it? have u seen one of those? thats exactly how it feels, so if u wanna practice that kinda surfing..the busway would be a good way to start, if u dont mind being surrounded by weird people...i dont know why, but when the sun sets and the moon begins to rise, the weird people of this city appear out of their hidings and lure in the buswaysss.

the attitude of drivers really gets to me though, i mean the way the people drive in this country really show the attitude of the citizens here...we dont give way to people, the big cars or busses bully the small vehicles (mr bean aint gonna survive here, god put him in a soft comfortable place like england for a friggin reason!), thats exactly how people here are mostly, if i was to change lanes and the car just stopped so i could enter...i would start thinking this guy is like some holy priest (of who cares what religion)...and i would feel iam this angel sent from above when i do the same thing for someone. i wud think....maybe iam actually an angel born in the form of a human.......hahahahah...yea right, who am i kidding?

all in all, i was born in this country, so who am i to complain, plus iam already getting the hang of it...come to think of it, without the pollution, the curropted politicians, the smelly armpits and that mysterious smell...i wud be really lost.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

the simpsons factor

i was watching the Simpsons today, and i have to say, the episode they were showing today was kinda interesting (any topic on society or anything relating to society always interests me for some reason).

in this particular episode (i didnt see from the beginning, but this is simpsons u know, u dont have to be an einstein to know what the story is about even if u didnt see it from the start, its not the bloody matrix trilogy), bart simpsons some how convinced the people of springfield (if u dont know springfield i will smack your ass!) that somehow doing whatever u feel like is

and so everything went about doing whatever they felt like, or not doing what they didnt feel like, and what happened was totaly chaos, cuz some people has totaly opposite feelings or another person, and they fight like nuts (its the simpsons fighting, not jean claude van damme!)

and i just got to thinking that this theory might just proove osho wrong, but i cant say for sure, knowing that osho has been a master for like ages, who the hell am i to proove him otherwise with an episode from the simpsons as my evidence, gimme a break.

but lets face it, we need to live with rules and regulations and control, and perhaps a good big tinge of discipline.

we, as a society that is, cant be free, its impossible to set us free if we still remain a society. imagine if your janitor does not wanna clean toilets cuz he doesnt feel like it, and u dont pay him cuz he doesnt feel like it, there is gonna be alot of bathroom fights and toilet jokes going around, plus some stink from the toilets, which i dont even wanna think about. so u see my point? its impossible. no one's willing to sacrifice, but that just the way of this world.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Revelation: Who Am I?

i would like to consider this post as a sequal to my old post "transition from geek to freak" and maybe with a lil tinge of contradiction added to the previous post too... (transition from geek to freak" can be viewed in my old blog which is there in my friendster)

well, i shall start now.

a few days back, thanks to my close friend, i had a revelation of sorts.

u c, we were talking randomly and he somehow confessed that he is a geek or sorts and i told how how lucky he was not to look at all like a geek, to which he replied something which sounded like whats so bad about a geek.

well come to think of it, back in my school day i was a geek, and i have to say i didnt quite like myself then, i took it rather like as if it was a curse from god which i had to accept, that i looked, lived, ate, drank, slept and even farted like a bloody geek.

i couldnt accept who i was c? i always wanted to be someone who was outgoing and popular, back in my stupid days i always thought that cool outgoing popular people were people who were never into reading or writing or studying for that matter, and when i think back, i couldnt help but think how naive and narrow minded i was. and thats how my good friend, sorta opened my eyes, in a sense he proved to me that my theory was indeed wrong, which i already kinda realized that it was wrong anyways, even before i got close to him.

but i couldnt get over that fact that being a geek aint cool.

i think whats cool and whats not cool depends on how u feel being yourself, not what other people think and feel about u (unless u r a criminal then its a different story all together. )

u c, when i was dumb geek, i wanted to join these "cool" people, and i did the obvious ultmate dumb and naive person would do : throw their identity and get used to someone they are not, and believe it or not, they will never EVER get used to it, they think ah well its like a new shoe, i will get comfortable with it sooner or later, but NO, instead u will loose yourself and u will stop being yourself and u will not know who u r anymore, and seriously, its a terrifying thing.

its the root thats gonna cause u to your downfall, the way it did to me, so do not give urself up for something u r NOT. being yourself is by far the best thing that u can ever do, and believe in whatever u r.

just because u r a geek does not mean u cant get friends, u can get friends, just different and smarter friends.

i will give u a good example, think about this, do u think it would be cool if someone like Frank Sinatra performed in a rave infront of millions and millions of trance and house music fans? no it wont be cool, he will be booed at, and thats exactly how it is right there!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Long Way Down

yep he is one of the best, or, if not, THE best English literature prodigy there is right now, he is just amazing when it comes to describing human behaviour and describe their train of thoughts, and his latest novel, prooves that more than anything.

we are talking about Nick Hornby here, author of About a boy, High Fidelity, How To Be good.

i waited for his latest novel for like a year or so, a time in which i just kept on searching for his bloody book everywhere in this city, and finally the bookstore called me and told me that it has released and i just left whatever i was doing that time and just rushed to the bookstore and got it.

now about the book, one good way to describe this book is, Unique. for the way its written.

unlike other novel, which is just plain story, nick hornby creates 4 characters namely, Martin, a tv host whose life has gone down the drain and has lost his job, Maureen, a lady who does not have a life cuz she is spending the whole time of it on her disabled son, Jess a lost Teenage girl looking for her bf which "fucked her away", and JJ a rock god (apparently) whose career and life went down the drain .

all these characters ended up meeting on the top of toppers house wanting to kill themselves, and instead found each other and ended up making a pact, what follows is one hell of a story of supporting each other to live, supporting in a more realistic way, thats what nick hornby does best.

and why its unique, well here is y, nick hornby sorta Plays the characters separately, so like in the first part nick hornby writes about Martin's point of view and whats running through his mind and then jess's and then Maureen and so on and so forth, and describe each characters feelings and thoughts about one another (sorta what they do in reality tv shows where they put the contestant aside and tell them to face the camera and tell them what they are thinking) and in the process we are brought into the minds of these four amazing characters.

this Novel is worth the wait and struggle. Nick Hornby has done it again. smart, brilliant, funny, sad, just splendid and yea, wicked too, mate!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Interior Adventure

well yesterday, i was planning to go to Vertigo, to check out the launching of DJ Riri's new album (kinda straight to the point aint it, the way i start my blog..but iam not really good at starting with "once upon the time" or anything similar to that), but did i go ??? hahahaha hell no! duh!
aint no clubber as many of people who reads this might no...or if u dont know yet...well...iam not a clubber. although i do like trance A HELL LOT.

so, since iam making a new house, the interior designer making my new house, called and told us to go wit him to places where we can have ideas on furnitures and stuff like that, so we went to 2 of the best hotels that night.

and weird as it is, i have gone to these 2 hotels alot of times, but i have never really observed their interior and everything, i normally just go to the bar and check out the ladies and the drinks (its the more normal activity u tend to do if u go to that hotel, any more normal than that is checking in the hotel, but its rather expensive to be normal nowadays) but when i went JUST for checking out their interiors, man it blew me off!!

its quite something. sometimes, ur views and perspective on things is really different when u go with a differnt person for a different purpose. but thats life aint it.

so anyways, we did some serious interior design checking out until the wee hours of the night, and we might still go to many other fancy places just to get ideas.

this interior designer is rather amazing i shud say, he would go to the other side of the country, jsut cuz he heard someone in that city has built a house and heard that his gates are very fancy and new...i mean can u believe it? going to a whole different city, country even...just to see a gate and then come back home and say to yourself "wow man that was some gate!" and worse he even managed to drag my parents into joining him to c the gatess !!! wowww !!

so he dragged us all around to see all these, he better do a good job, or i will have to ask for a refund for the expensive ice creams and cafee lattes i bought for him when he dragged us! i will cut it from his iam jst kidding, what the hell do u take me for huh! :P

we had a blast, even though it was just looking at furnitures, the lights, chandeliers, and even door knobs.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

new freak on the blog


here is a glimpse of how i feel,
i feel like one of those small new artist artist which is about to perform in the Oscars

thats not how i shud feel, given that iam just typing on my bloody computer, in my house, which is definitely not the Kodak Theatre, and besides, i doubt if they ever let small artists perform in the Oscars.

so, this is my new blog in blogspot, heard alot about it, so i thought i might as well use this one now, besides wats wrong with performing to a larger crowd, eh? :P

and y the hell shud i even be thinking on who is gonna view my blog! just writing for the fun of it really!

anyone interested in my old blog can view it in :