Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Tricky thing called Motive

Motive is tricky because in one hand, it is everything, it’s the reason why we do what we do; and yet, if one wants to live peacefully, and it is the very thing that should not be questioned; the very thing that should not be dug out of a person.

To question motive would be to open Pandora’s Box, it invites prejudice from all sides, it opens ample opportunity to create fights, and people would just judge each other, in fact it’s the very thing that gets judged, motive.

If Lord Ram questioned Bharata’s mother as to why he is being banished to live in a jungle during the day he was supposed to be king and did not respect the queen’s wishes, then fights would have ensued in the household, sure, Ram would have easily become the king, but god knows what would have happened then, it might create enmity between the four brothers, the four queens; there would be a lot of tension in the household, everyone would just wonder what is the queen’s next motive and Lord Ram wouldn’t be what he is considered to be now.

To a person who is judgmental, to him motive will never show it self, and yet the judgmental person forces it open because he cant help it, he needs to judge, without knowing the good and the bad he cannot live, and like Pandora’s Box it spreads evil everywhere.

To a person who has gone beyond being judgmental, to a person who observes, to him motive will definitely show itself, but for him, it matters not. For the observer to have a motive is to be a human being, whether it is a good motive or a bad one, it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter because for him nothing is good or bad, he knows that everything is one, he knows that everything is perfect, he knows that nothing lasts for ever, he knows the Truth; the Truth that has set him free from the world of duality. He sees the motive behind everything, and yet he knows that everything comes from nothing and will eventually dissolve into nothing-ness.

It is not easy for us to understand this person who has gone beyond duality, since we are “trapped” in this world of duality, and know what is beyond duality probably theoretically, but trying to understand just what kind of person He is would be a pretty good exercise.


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