Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The following passages are taken from the book Meetings With Remarkable People by Osho, I hope it will serve its purpose by making sense of the existence of enlightened beings such as Jesus, Buddha and Krishna which has been questioned up to no end through out history; a history that is just filled with people who believed in the existence of people like Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan more than these wonderful personages:

Man can live in two ways: one is in time, one is beyond time. History is the name of the life that we live in time; it leaves marks in the temporal. But there is also a life which we live beyond time-it leaves no marks anywhere. It is not just an accident that existence of Jesus is doubtful; so it the existence of Krishna, Lao Tzu and Zarathustra. Why is their existence doubtful? They have not really left mark in time. They lived a life of interiority, the lived in themselves. Their life had no visible, tangible impact, but they transformed human consciousness. They lived in consciousness and they impressed human consciousness. But history takes no note of them. History takes not of Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan, Tamburlaine; history takes not of people who live in time and leave marks on the sands of time. But people like Buddha, Christ, almost pass from existence as if they have not passed at all. That’s what I mean by going beyond history. Don’t live in events: live in awareness.



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