Saturday, May 13, 2006

Interior Adventure

well yesterday, i was planning to go to Vertigo, to check out the launching of DJ Riri's new album (kinda straight to the point aint it, the way i start my blog..but iam not really good at starting with "once upon the time" or anything similar to that), but did i go ??? hahahaha hell no! duh!
aint no clubber as many of people who reads this might no...or if u dont know yet...well...iam not a clubber. although i do like trance A HELL LOT.

so, since iam making a new house, the interior designer making my new house, called and told us to go wit him to places where we can have ideas on furnitures and stuff like that, so we went to 2 of the best hotels that night.

and weird as it is, i have gone to these 2 hotels alot of times, but i have never really observed their interior and everything, i normally just go to the bar and check out the ladies and the drinks (its the more normal activity u tend to do if u go to that hotel, any more normal than that is checking in the hotel, but its rather expensive to be normal nowadays) but when i went JUST for checking out their interiors, man it blew me off!!

its quite something. sometimes, ur views and perspective on things is really different when u go with a differnt person for a different purpose. but thats life aint it.

so anyways, we did some serious interior design checking out until the wee hours of the night, and we might still go to many other fancy places just to get ideas.

this interior designer is rather amazing i shud say, he would go to the other side of the country, jsut cuz he heard someone in that city has built a house and heard that his gates are very fancy and new...i mean can u believe it? going to a whole different city, country even...just to see a gate and then come back home and say to yourself "wow man that was some gate!" and worse he even managed to drag my parents into joining him to c the gatess !!! wowww !!

so he dragged us all around to see all these, he better do a good job, or i will have to ask for a refund for the expensive ice creams and cafee lattes i bought for him when he dragged us! i will cut it from his iam jst kidding, what the hell do u take me for huh! :P

we had a blast, even though it was just looking at furnitures, the lights, chandeliers, and even door knobs.


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