Monday, May 15, 2006

Revelation: Who Am I?

i would like to consider this post as a sequal to my old post "transition from geek to freak" and maybe with a lil tinge of contradiction added to the previous post too... (transition from geek to freak" can be viewed in my old blog which is there in my friendster)

well, i shall start now.

a few days back, thanks to my close friend, i had a revelation of sorts.

u c, we were talking randomly and he somehow confessed that he is a geek or sorts and i told how how lucky he was not to look at all like a geek, to which he replied something which sounded like whats so bad about a geek.

well come to think of it, back in my school day i was a geek, and i have to say i didnt quite like myself then, i took it rather like as if it was a curse from god which i had to accept, that i looked, lived, ate, drank, slept and even farted like a bloody geek.

i couldnt accept who i was c? i always wanted to be someone who was outgoing and popular, back in my stupid days i always thought that cool outgoing popular people were people who were never into reading or writing or studying for that matter, and when i think back, i couldnt help but think how naive and narrow minded i was. and thats how my good friend, sorta opened my eyes, in a sense he proved to me that my theory was indeed wrong, which i already kinda realized that it was wrong anyways, even before i got close to him.

but i couldnt get over that fact that being a geek aint cool.

i think whats cool and whats not cool depends on how u feel being yourself, not what other people think and feel about u (unless u r a criminal then its a different story all together. )

u c, when i was dumb geek, i wanted to join these "cool" people, and i did the obvious ultmate dumb and naive person would do : throw their identity and get used to someone they are not, and believe it or not, they will never EVER get used to it, they think ah well its like a new shoe, i will get comfortable with it sooner or later, but NO, instead u will loose yourself and u will stop being yourself and u will not know who u r anymore, and seriously, its a terrifying thing.

its the root thats gonna cause u to your downfall, the way it did to me, so do not give urself up for something u r NOT. being yourself is by far the best thing that u can ever do, and believe in whatever u r.

just because u r a geek does not mean u cant get friends, u can get friends, just different and smarter friends.

i will give u a good example, think about this, do u think it would be cool if someone like Frank Sinatra performed in a rave infront of millions and millions of trance and house music fans? no it wont be cool, he will be booed at, and thats exactly how it is right there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the dictionary doesnt define 'cool' as popular - but infact 1 of the definitions of cool is "Excellent; first-rate: has a cool sports car; had a cool time at the party. "
so hey... 'cool' is relative to what you want it to be... u can be a cool geek/freak or whatever it is!

4:15 PM  
Blogger suraj said...

i wonder how does the dictionary define the word "geek"...

8:48 AM  

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