Wednesday, May 31, 2006


wow, its been a while...

well, alot has happened since i last updated this blog of mine, which apparently no body views..but who cares really (the last thing i want is to be called a sell out by some organic geek :P)

so many things to write..and yet so little time...such a small mind trying to speak such volumes...its just so hard

so i will just try..well first of all...i discovered something which is probably more exciting and interesting than books...its called a dvd..have u heard of it? its this awesome thing that comes in a circular shape.they call it a plays movie if u put it in this thing they call the dvd player and u have to plug it behind your tv....and there are alot of movies nowadays which comes in the form of dvd...the one iam watching is called...yep...u guessed it....24!!!! i finished the 1st season last week and it was awesome iam now in the 2nd season

so this is one of the things that has been keeping me busy and keeping me tied up from loggin in the net and updating my blog and wat not..

another of the elderly in my family just passed i had to to there everyday (not that i midn it or anything...just u know....telling) and i hardly have time to...ah never mind u kow what iam getting at

and then last but not least, my computer got spoilt!!!! they formatted the whole thing but i made sure they backed up all those mp3 files which i downloaded with too much patience...patience even god does not have iam sure (ok iam not so sure actually), if god didnt have patience iam sure i would be one of the first people he would drag up and grab me by the collar and with gritted teeth tell me : "what the heaven is up with u son??!!!!" but since iam here updating my blog and doing my assignments and watching 24...i think he has alot patience i gotta give em my respect! he has earned his respect :P whatever...

oh and to all those victims in Yogyakarta earthquake...5000 that is crazy....i have notced that there has been quite a series of natural calamities after the tsunami tragedy...earthquakes mostly..but this one prooved to be more deadly than the rest of it ofcourse....and fuck the government which cant even send help until now!!! we are int he same province u ass wipe!!! if the us reached yogya soil before the local government does...that would be such a shame!!!!


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