Wednesday, May 10, 2006

new freak on the blog


here is a glimpse of how i feel,
i feel like one of those small new artist artist which is about to perform in the Oscars

thats not how i shud feel, given that iam just typing on my bloody computer, in my house, which is definitely not the Kodak Theatre, and besides, i doubt if they ever let small artists perform in the Oscars.

so, this is my new blog in blogspot, heard alot about it, so i thought i might as well use this one now, besides wats wrong with performing to a larger crowd, eh? :P

and y the hell shud i even be thinking on who is gonna view my blog! just writing for the fun of it really!

anyone interested in my old blog can view it in :


Blogger Ace said...

Welcome to blogspot, Sellout!

5:07 AM  

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