Saturday, May 20, 2006

Return of the gang

wow i dont know how to begin this thing yo.

but tonight was a rather special one.

tonight i went to watch Da Vinci Code, but thats not the special thing, the special thign was the company (and no it wasnt a date with a hot chick). i went with the gang that got formed when i was in Gsfame for a short while.

too some people who doesnt know this, i was in GsFame (as my friendster profile says) for probably like a year, but well, i dont mean to brag, i was a rather popular kid, and i had this gang with me, so this was a neat gang that got formed, until for no apparent and solid reason i went to india, without telling anyone (except my family, its not like i ran away or something, u know). this was back in around 2000-2001.

and we totally lost contact, this was back when i was a geek trying to be "cool" somehow i ended up being regarded as cool in university and god gave me the good fortune to end up being in a good crowd and get a good gang. all in all i was a pretty sociable dude.

so anyways, its been like 5 solid years we totally lost all contacts possible, until i finally met one of them a few months back, and i got contact number and everything and decided to get ni touch.

but it wasnt until this week that i called him. i dont know y i hesitated to call em during all those months, damn man.

but during this week somehow, a few months after i bumped into that guy, i started thinking...hmmm...i wonder.. well i initiated contact, and i mean whats the loss man, i mean i have basically lost all social credibility in a sense, so really, what have i gotta loose.

so today we all met up, my good ol gang, the gang that was made before my head got a lil screwed...and boy was it something.

and the people who knew me (some of them were new people) all asked me the same question..."why the hell did u go to india!!" and i could only say "i dont know, man, its a question i ask my self everydayyy" because i really dont know man.

but this was awesome, catching up on how it was after i left and knowing that i had a whole university missing me presence, reminded me of the good ol days, and something tells me the good ol days aint so old after all, cuz here they are after all, after 5 years of absence they still acccept me, of course i aint wussy enuff to start crying and say "thanx for accepting me iam so touched" and blah like that hell no! what the hell do u take me for. but it was great to know that we all had something things in common and we could still connect, to see them still sane.

its just funny how help can come from the most unexpected places and comes at the most unexpected times. god definitely works in myterious ways.

oh and about the da vinci code...well...the movie is great, it really got my friends thinking thats for sure, being the catholics that they are, it got me thinking too, but i was thinking about it a long tmie ago, after i finished reading it, which was like 2 years ago.

the movie ofcourse aint as good as the book...all i can say is...dont judge a book by its movie.

not that its bad or anything, its just that the book has got an edge i guess, and i think the reason y this movie is popular is because of the book, if they actually made this movie not based on the book, if the Da Vinci Code was only a movie and not a book, i dont think it would have been such a huge hit. so i guess its mostly thanx to the book.


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