Sunday, July 20, 2008

Unlimited Definition of the Indefinable Me.

The trickiest part of being spiritual is when you claim yourself to be spiritual, the moment you make such claims you have the potential to be like the Australian priest who sexually abused a child recently. This may sound outrageous, but read on if you will.

One of the main teachings of spirituality is not to be spiritual, but to be human. This is very hard to get, confusing even. One of the main attractive and rather forgotten trait of what it means to be a human being is that you cannot be defined, I got this idea from a rather spiritual activity called meditation. Every time I meditate I start getting the idea that I am more than what I define myself to be, I am not spiritual, I am not a brother, a son, a cousin, a businessman, not right, not wrong, not sane but not insane either. I am not all these things. I am the indefinable me.

I am not going to limit myself into one definition; the people who limit themselves into one definition are the ones who will have to most sufferings the most pangs of guilt and outrage. Why? Because these are people who have limited their own space, they have set their own rules and regulations, rules and regulations which they are not sure they can keep up, and if they break one of the rules, they become miserable, unhappy, frustrated, like that oz priest. A human being is like a puddle on the street after a rainy day, formless, it doesn’t make sense and yet it is just right, that puddle just seems right to be on that spot. How can you define a human being, one day he is reading one of the most intense books ever, next day you find him playing a video game like a bum, how would define him? As a bum? Or an intellectual? One day a priest is praying in a church next day he is sexually abusing a 9 year old? Is he righteous or a sex maniac?

Consider that Australian priest who sexually abused a child, it became worldwide news, and he wasn’t the first priest either. Do no obligate yourself to taking a vow of celibacy, do not obligate yourself to being a vegetarian, do it when you are ready, when you feel it is right. That priest was frustrated by the limits that he has trapped himself in and of course people were shocked by his inhuman actions. Suppressing something natural is wrong, nature should not be repressed, it should be accepted, observed, understood, respected, anything but suppressing or repressing for that matter.

The Buddha was the highest spiritual being that this earth has ever produced, and yet, he never claimed himself to being a spiritual person, never took himself highly, in fact, the idea of one of the 5 moral precepts that he laid down to his students, the precept that said there should not be killing of any living things, was given to him by a person who has spent his whole life trying to assassinate The Buddha!(for more details on this story, try reading about the Buddha) other “righteous” sages and priest would have gotten angry and the killer and cursed at him. The Buddha however, respected and acknowledge the killer, he didn’t see him as a killer, but as another human being.

So the only advice I have for you readers I have is “do not ever not allow yourself to do anything in life.”


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