Saturday, May 24, 2008

Conscious Intentions

No living thing, animals or human being can ever live beyond their conscious level. A lion kills its prey by using its claws and teeth and strength, because that is the only way it knows how to kill, if it knows better it would probably use a shotgun and save some energy.

Similarly it is with us human beings, a lot of times we get frustrated by the way other people are treating us and putting us through, and we cannot help but ask why is he/she doing this? Why can’t he/she be like that nice lady/man that lives next door? Why can’t he/she be more civilized?

He/she can’t be like any other, because he/she is not any other! Everyone of us have very different level of consciousness. In the bible, when Jesus was being tortured to death he said, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” This is exactly what Jesus is teaching us, that we are not fully conscious of ourselves, the people who tortured Jesus, did what they thought was good for them and the people, although from our point of view we thought they were bad, because obviously we have become more evolved consciously, or have we? Because something tells me, if Jesus reappeared as Jesus himself on this planet, the church would most likely be the first to punish him for blasphemy.

Hitler also didn’t think what he did was bad, he did what he thought was good for his people the Aryans. No body would do anything that they think is bad. Unfortunately bad and good is a very relative term.

This is why we see parents hitting their children telling them to stop crying and suppressing their emotions. The parents are doing what they think is best for their children, although we all know that is not the best for the child, but most of us know what is best only theoretically, but how sure are we that we won’t treat the same child the same way if we were being put in the same situation? We have to be able to raise our conscious level if we want to live well and live wisely. Your intentions don’t mean a thing if your conscious level is low. Your intentions may be as pure as Jesus’s but your conscious level is as low as Hitler’s, and if your act from that conscious level, you are sure to bring misery with your good intentions.
Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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