Saturday, July 29, 2006

So, Mr.Terrorist, how is heaven?

Ok, here is another post inspired by yet another thought provoking book..well…what do u expect when u r reading the blog written by a fellow geek (a cool geek I might add, for more details visit my blog at

This time, its inspired from the book titled the End Of Faith by Sam Harris, I think I have discussed about what this book is all about in one of my previous post, so iam not going to bore u with the introduction process again, and I will get straight to the point (the point obviously being my opinion here).

First of all, I think Sam Harris is one of those friendly people who must have thought, “well, u know what? Iam a very friendly person and I don’t have enemies, so maybe I should make enemies to make my life, oh u know, spicier, maybe this time I should make the fellow Moslems my enemies, since they are on the number 1 on the enemies list, why not?”

And after reading like half of his book, I agree with him a LITTLE BIT (and iam saying a little bit, cuz I don’t wanna share the same enemies with him, same fame and fortune and intelligence, I wouldn’t mind, but something tells me one of his enemies works for the bloody hisbollah!)

According to Sam (and me too) the problem now days, particularly dealing with Moslem terrorist is that we are basically dealing with 14th century fanatical Moslem equipped with 21st century weapons, and that’s a bloody disaster.

These are terrorist who truly has faith in their religion and their FAITH tells them that if we kill all disbelievers of God (which they think is Allah) they get to go to heaven, and they make way for their family members to get to heaven because of the crazy thing they did like, oh I don’t know, like crashing a plane into one of the tallest skyscrapers!

Remember the bus bombing in London, I think a few years back? You know how the family responded when they heard that their son was a suicide bomber and he currently killed himself and all the others around him?

They were celebrating. Their family was giving gifts of foods and snack to their neighbors (at least they believe in the verse which says “love thy neighbor” which I don’t think is a Moslem verse but what the HELL!)

Now, when a person can actually kill himself to go to heaven, u must be wondering, what the hell is so good up there that they are actually willing to kill themselves in the most craziest way? Well guess what? The Moslem good book actually has a verse that described their little piece of heaven, u tell me whether it sounds tempting to u,
I will quote a little something which Sam Harris wrote here, cuz seriously, I can’t really imitate his style of writing, so I will just copy him (so much 4 originality, Suraj) :
“We must not overlook the fact that a significant percentage of the world’s Moslem believe that the man who brought down the WTC are now seated at the right hand of God , amid “rivers of purest water, and rivers of milk forever fresh; rivers of wine delectable to those who drink it, and rivers of clearest honey”(47:15). These men who slit the throats of stewardesses and delivered young couples with their children to their deaths at 500 miles per hour are at present being “attended by boy graced with eternal youth” in a “kingdom blissful and glorious.” They are “arrayed in garments of fine green silk and rich brocade, and adorned with bracelets of silver”(76:15)”

Ahem..yea its me again….so basically we are talking about people who wakes up early in the morning to catch a plane and crashes it into a building just so they can drink clear water and some good quality milk..and being attended by boys which are graced with eternal youth, which is only good news if u r a freakin gay!

The water and the milk part I think I get it u know? These people come from dry land, I don’t think they have good water over there, they come from bloody deserts for god sake, and milk…cmon..they drink camels milk, I don’t think camels milk is good ok.

And wine? If “their” god is not allowing them to drink any bloody wine here, why the hell would “their” god allow them to drink wine in His abode??? Its just bloody silly.

Frankly I don’t know which one is silly, the book or the people reading it and taking advantage of it…funny enuff these books and verses are not being questioned, even if we are not even sure of their source. No offence.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The end of faith

u know, for the past few weeks, i have trying to convey a message but i just cant put it into words, there are just so many things, so many questions going on in my mind that i dont even know where to start, but i have to start from somewhere.

one of the things that is bugging me, or has been bugging me, thanx to this book iam reading "end of faith" by sam harris, is about religion.

the problem we have with religion.

basically religion itself is becoming more of a problem, and in alot alot alot of times, it IS the main source of problems, rather than being a source for solace.

think of all the war that has been going on, especially the major wars, kashmir has the hindu muslim war, palestine has the muslim jews war, and alot of other wars which is being provoked due to different belieft os certain people.

i think religion is becoming more of a nuisance, if u dont mind me saying (and if u do mind, i dnot give a damn this is my blog anyways, but u r free to comment ofcourse)

ever since religion has started, the bible was made and the quran was made, by god...i think..iam not really sure u c, cuz u know there is not proof u c...which means that...which means that...we are actually starting war based on beliefs that does not have any solid proofs.

and since human are progressing and changing as times goes by, i think it is important for religion to evolve and progress.

of all aspects of civilization nowadays, religion is the only thing that seems to be very backward.

in the bible it says that any fellow who has commited to adultery should be stoned to death...kinda primitive dont u think? stoned to death..u knw now we have shotguns, ak47s nuclear bombs..and u still wanna use stone? and killing a person because of adultery....u really think so??? iam not pro adultery..but killing em...i think there is a better way to settle this.

the reason y this terrorist are doing what they are doing, is because they are taking what ever the religious text says, word for word, they take it literally. and as a result they become extremist.

and they dont have any respect for other peoples belief..they believe there god is the one true god...and other gods, and people who believe other gods, should be..well...banished to say the least. they believe in their beliefs as much as any of u believe in whatever it is u believe. so there, all the insane things u hear from these terrorist, u think they must be exagerating, maybe to your mind, but to them, they actually believe whatever they are saying. truly actually believe it, just the way u believe in the fact that calcium is good for the bones. they believe that western civilization is the root of all even and the only way to get rid of them is by using WMD.

so there u go...war based on religion..based on belief....a belief created out of utter ego it seems..cuz we aint got no solid its gotta be ego.

is there a proof that these ancient texts was written by god or soemthing? is there? these books was written thousands of years ago...could people WRITE in those days? so basically all the war that has caused "god" knows how many basically based on the books that was written by what people think of believe is god.

iam sorry, i dont knw what u guys think...but for just boggles the mind....

Monday, July 10, 2006

my university has started again today, iam back to my hectic schedule of hussling and bustling in the crowded busway thats gonna sandwich me for an hour between some of the smelliest citizen of this country.

and when something has to start something else has to end...and that is the world cup, i wonder if there is any connection to it, i dont think so.

today is like the end of an era and the beginning of a new era..of sorts.

i have ended the fifth season of 24, with a very very crappy ending, the world cup ended pretty much after the soul of some bull took over Zidane's body and made it attack a fellow italian by hitting him (the italian) with his(zidane's) head. and what he got, a red card, i think the bull's soul must have gone out when the red card was shown, cuz i heard red is really not a bull's favourite color.

this has been quite a day, it was nice to see all my friends again after 2 weeks which felt like 2 months, just when i thought days was going too quick they were there to slow things down, which is a good thing.

there is really nothing to say here. tomorrow is gonna start again start early go to the gym, work, go to college and back to my house at around 8 oclock in the evening again.

oh and btw, i was just wondering...just y the fuck would someone out of the FUCKING blue delete a fuckin testimonial!!! what the fuck is the deal with that.

this piece of asshol told me to delete his picture with me cuz he wasnt comfortable of seeig me wit him, an now this fuck deletes testimonial!

u know what u nut, i hope u read this ! cuz iam writing this hoping u would read it ! faker!!!

and since its the end of a new era i might as well make it the end of u as well, along with world cup and 24 !

Saturday, July 08, 2006

superman returns.

i just watched superman returns, it was great, it was long, but atleast it wasnt draggy like king kong, which, at the end of the movie i felt like i literally dragged mr king kong from the jungle all by myself.

i just dont get superman sometimes u know? as i was watching the movie i just couldnt stop asking myself, y, y this? y that? and the hows?

like how does superman's hair remain so neat even after flying like, my hair totally goes hay wire if u even blow at it, and this guy's hair...even if a tornado attacks it, its still gonna remain the same, was there like a deleted scene where superman was actually combing his hair, during the attack, cuz that hair looks like a person obssessed with the neatness of a hairstyle, what shampoo does he use? did his father made a shampoo for him before he died?

i dont wanna go to the underwear. it shudnt even be called underwear in the first place, cuz its not exactly worn under now is it? shud be over wear.

but after trying hard, i finally stopped asking these question and just go with the flow, the movie was great, bryan singer really knows how to control the tempo of the movie, even if it was 3 hours it sure as hell didnt feel like it.

kevin spacey, was amazing! i loved kevin spacey! that guy is never a let down-NEVER.

all in all superman was great.

on a totally different note, iam planning to get a tatoo, i wonder if i could get an appointment tomorrow with the tatoo artist, this guy is obviously qualified, he even has his own website for crying out loud, and whats more, its even near my home!!

is it just me or is this world becoming smaller.

anyway, anyone interested in checking out this guys talent check out his website

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

living my life my way

it just hurts to know that, the people closest to u, are no necessarily the person u should be close to, and thats whats making this life complicated.

what am i doing nowadays, and what have i been up to? really nothing, days are passing by like the random wind.

nothing is going up or down, nothing dramatic, i didnt wake up in a cemetary, the sky didnt come falling, nothing great.

its just one of those random days..days which have turned into weeks, which have turned into months, and iam sure if i dont do anything about, it will turn into years.

what bothers me is that...should i do something about it? shud i really????

and y shud i do? cuz everyone else is doing it?

so what if i dont have the passion to live..this passion to live in thingie, is really put in the wrong light by many people.

sometimes, and especialyl in my case, to just be is the best shit there ever it.

i dont know what the hell iam writin about.

i have finally reached the 5th season of 24, u can be sure, the moment a pirated season 6 released iam gonna be the first person to have it!

like i have said in my earliear post...its addictive.

anyway my point is, i think we shud live life the way we wanna live it, and we shud live it by watching 24 ! :) bravo !