Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The end of faith

u know, for the past few weeks, i have trying to convey a message but i just cant put it into words, there are just so many things, so many questions going on in my mind that i dont even know where to start, but i have to start from somewhere.

one of the things that is bugging me, or has been bugging me, thanx to this book iam reading "end of faith" by sam harris, is about religion.

the problem we have with religion.

basically religion itself is becoming more of a problem, and in alot alot alot of times, it IS the main source of problems, rather than being a source for solace.

think of all the war that has been going on, especially the major wars, kashmir has the hindu muslim war, palestine has the muslim jews war, and alot of other wars which is being provoked due to different belieft os certain people.

i think religion is becoming more of a nuisance, if u dont mind me saying (and if u do mind, i dnot give a damn this is my blog anyways, but u r free to comment ofcourse)

ever since religion has started, the bible was made and the quran was made, by god...i think..iam not really sure u c, cuz u know there is not proof u c...which means that...which means that...we are actually starting war based on beliefs that does not have any solid proofs.

and since human are progressing and changing as times goes by, i think it is important for religion to evolve and progress.

of all aspects of civilization nowadays, religion is the only thing that seems to be very backward.

in the bible it says that any fellow who has commited to adultery should be stoned to death...kinda primitive dont u think? stoned to death..u knw now we have shotguns, ak47s nuclear bombs..and u still wanna use stone? and killing a person because of adultery....u really think so??? iam not pro adultery..but killing em...i think there is a better way to settle this.

the reason y this terrorist are doing what they are doing, is because they are taking what ever the religious text says, word for word, they take it literally. and as a result they become extremist.

and they dont have any respect for other peoples belief..they believe there god is the one true god...and other gods, and people who believe other gods, should be..well...banished to say the least. they believe in their beliefs as much as any of u believe in whatever it is u believe. so there, all the insane things u hear from these terrorist, u think they must be exagerating, maybe to your mind, but to them, they actually believe whatever they are saying. truly actually believe it, just the way u believe in the fact that calcium is good for the bones. they believe that western civilization is the root of all even and the only way to get rid of them is by using WMD.

so there u go...war based on religion..based on belief....a belief created out of utter ego it seems..cuz we aint got no solid its gotta be ego.

is there a proof that these ancient texts was written by god or soemthing? is there? these books was written thousands of years ago...could people WRITE in those days? so basically all the war that has caused "god" knows how many basically based on the books that was written by what people think of believe is god.

iam sorry, i dont knw what u guys think...but for just boggles the mind....


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