Saturday, July 08, 2006

superman returns.

i just watched superman returns, it was great, it was long, but atleast it wasnt draggy like king kong, which, at the end of the movie i felt like i literally dragged mr king kong from the jungle all by myself.

i just dont get superman sometimes u know? as i was watching the movie i just couldnt stop asking myself, y, y this? y that? and the hows?

like how does superman's hair remain so neat even after flying like, my hair totally goes hay wire if u even blow at it, and this guy's hair...even if a tornado attacks it, its still gonna remain the same, was there like a deleted scene where superman was actually combing his hair, during the attack, cuz that hair looks like a person obssessed with the neatness of a hairstyle, what shampoo does he use? did his father made a shampoo for him before he died?

i dont wanna go to the underwear. it shudnt even be called underwear in the first place, cuz its not exactly worn under now is it? shud be over wear.

but after trying hard, i finally stopped asking these question and just go with the flow, the movie was great, bryan singer really knows how to control the tempo of the movie, even if it was 3 hours it sure as hell didnt feel like it.

kevin spacey, was amazing! i loved kevin spacey! that guy is never a let down-NEVER.

all in all superman was great.

on a totally different note, iam planning to get a tatoo, i wonder if i could get an appointment tomorrow with the tatoo artist, this guy is obviously qualified, he even has his own website for crying out loud, and whats more, its even near my home!!

is it just me or is this world becoming smaller.

anyway, anyone interested in checking out this guys talent check out his website


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