Tuesday, June 20, 2006

busway adventure

today evening, when i was being cramped into pulp by the many people in busway, i was talking with my friend, both of us was gasping while talking, it sounded like as if its going to be the last conversation we are ever going to have.

and he asked me "have u ever posted a blog on busway" and well, u know my answer.

and here is another one.

tell u frankly, i dont know what else to write, especially about busway, i mean, how many things can u write about a fuckin bus man cmon. how many insults? how many praises? comments on the citizens armpits?

today was a very tiring day, i had to change buses three times, this iam doing eversince i found out that there is a busway stop closer to my house and i could save a few bucks by changing the busway route three times by paying just once....boy do i sound cheap.

but tiring it is, especially when u have to get cramped like three times for 1.5 hours continuously is not a joke, the moment i got cramped i asked myself "how the hell did i fit in such small space? could i be plastic man?" (which makes me wonder, y is it called plastic man? y not rubber man? considering that rubber is actually more flexible than plastic?)

so the final destination anyways was cempaka mas, and from cempaka mas i actually took a walk to my home, its like a half an hour walk, very far, very tiring, but for the sake of saving a few bucks, y not?

i dontknow what my point is, its basically rather pointless to be honest with u.

ah well, thats it.


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