Saturday, June 03, 2006

oh boy

well, i dont know what to write about seriously, iam at lost

i mean i could write volumes about patience and persistence and what not to the extent that my blog might just end up looking like some self improvement book, i could write about endless wisdoms u need to follow in order to be a mad man like moi, but that wont do, and besides u aint willing to go through the tough and ardous journey of being me, u wont even live a day being me.

so i thought about writing about whats going right now at this moment as iam sitting here on my comp (i dont mean literraly sitting on my cpu man, but u get my point lah). right now a few mosquitoes are flying infront of me, annoying the hell out of me, i only wished that mosquitoes would sleep at this time (the time by the way is 12:45am) i believe they have come here because of the orange and banana peels which i left on the table like hours ago, i will throw them to the dustbin as soon as iam done (and probably as soon as the mosquitoes are done with sucking my blood as well), i installed the itunes to my formateed computer.

a lil bit on whts was going on with my comp, i think i have said somewhere in my previous post that my cmop was spoilt and then i got it fixed (i made very sure i told the comp guy to back up all necessary files such as photos, music, porn (hehe kidding) and then format it and reinstall it to the system, which he did so very skillfully) but then after that i had to install so many other things like msn, limewire, ares and then the most confusing-itunes.

i mean it was pretty easy installing it from the cd rom given, but then somehow i had some problems uploading my songs to my ipod, at one point my ipod got hung i couldnt do anything (and neither could the ipod-duh!) almost cried until the battery went off and i recharged it and then i went normal, when i saw it was normal i gave the biggest sigh, i almost mistook it as my last breath, and reacted by gasping back what i sighed.....whatever.

so anyways, being the clever fellow that iam...ahem... i finally figured everything out and now my computer is back to full operation, and a lil more.

so thanx to that guy who managed to fix my computer and give me a new hard disk and a new modem within 3 hours!! u amazing, and thanx to the mosquitoes for keeping me company in this quiet saturday night, i promise u i will treat u guys with more banana and orange peels next time!

till then, adios amigos and good night.


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