Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Punishing Phenomena

The reason why people are capable of doing bad things and are living wretched lives is because we think what they are doing is bad and because we think their lives are wretched.

This is one of the reasons we find it so hard to comprehend or understand why someone who is or was so good could commit an act of something so shameful or disgraceful. For people who live in a world of duality, which is probably 90% of the people living in this world, they cannot understand this.

As a result, the “good” people who is discovered to commit this “bad” act, is suddenly shunned from society, they are avoided; as a result this person will be depressed and will do more “bad” things and be miserable for the rest of his or her wretched live.

The truth is that, every one of us in this world, given the right circumstances and situations, are capable of doing “bad” things, no doubt about it. In fact all of us have done a “bad” thing or two, of a small scale of course.

If I ask 10 people what is “bad” and what is “good”, I will surely get 10 different answers. This only goes to show that “bad” and “good” is nothing but a relative truth and not a universal truth; a truth only pertaining to ones perception of things.

We are in no place to judge one another; we are however, in a very favorable place and time, to observe everyone and everything. We learn a lot from observing, but we learn nothing from judging.

None of us have enough credibility to judge anyone, because every one of us are capable of doing wrong, none of us are perfect. To this you may argue and say that, “What about people like Michael Jackson, Hitler? Shouldn’t we bring them to justice?”

To which my reply would be, you may but you don’t have to. Every one’s action is bound to have a consequence, just like the branch of a tree that moves when a wind blows upon it, so are the actions of these people bound to bring them similar consequences. Not because someone up there is judging them, or there is some divine judge up there in heaven judging them, but because it is just natural. When a thunder strikes it does not mean God is angry, a thunder strikes because it had to, because of the attraction of opposite charges that brings about this phenomenon.

Having said this, I don’t think it is necessary for people to judge one another, because everyone and everything is bound to get the fruit of their actions, the fruit of the action of the wind that blew on the leave is the movement of the leaves. When everyone is bound to get the fruit of their actions, why do we need justice? Why do we need police? To make sure the universe doesn’t forget who to “punish”? Now that my friend is ridiculous.


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