Thursday, June 21, 2007

its been a long time

well it has been quite a while since i have updated this blog of mine...a very very long time i might add. and alot of things has happened since then, i went to vipassana, gained invaluable insights that eventually turned me into a proud and spiritual and more loving vegetarian..a fact alot of people still find hard to believe, which is understandable.

ofcourse there are alot of other things, but this one thing is probably the biggest among all of them.

i just came back from Bali as iam writing this down. flight was late as usual, a hot Turkish chick was kind enuff to give me company during our grueling wait. and no i wont give details about her over here.

i seriuosly dont know what to write,

i guess most of the time are spent on reflecting on life nowadays, thinking what is it that makes people fearful.

and i have ended up having this vague idea that people might have fear in them due to past experiences, and due to what other people have told them, which in turn has made our mind very conditional and limited.

its in our human nature and human habit (a bad habit i might add) to think that whatever we think is "right" is cant be wrong, somehow we have this innate believe that we are "right" when we are right and that our perceptions are never wrong, it doesnt matter if we consider ourselves to be very openminded, sometimes we fall into this trap time and again, because our mind has been wired that way since we are born and it is very hard to "unwire" it so to speak.

think of the things we could do if we really didnt put our perceptions on such a high priority. there are times when we should act without thinking. approach a person which we are shy of approaching without thinking of the ultimate outcome which we are scared of.

i think thats the only way to break old habit go against whatever we are thinking make ourselves believe that what we are thinking is wrong and to keep doing it again and again, until it becomes a habit and a new thought pattern, it might seem grueling at first, but that just life, no new shoe can be as comfortable as an old shoe. but give the new shoe a time to adjust to your legs (or is it the other way around) and u will be comfortable, no?


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