Friday, August 04, 2006

signs of help

time and again, this very world has proven me that it is alive and its listening to my every thoughts and wishes, and i have a feeling that it actually considers it.

i dont know y, but everytime, i wish or feel like i need a certain knowledge be it of business, wisdom, spirituality, and solution to my problems, i always end up bumping into something that can be in the form of a book or a person, that will somehow have answers to my problems.

but thats not what this is about,

i have thought alot about some certain things and i have come to the conclusion that, here goes nothing, nothing is wrong.

i know it might seems stupid, but what i mean is that, nothing in this world, nothing that we do, even if we qualify it as doing something wrong, or have a negative experience, is wrong.

everything, be it bad or good, is all a form of an experience, and its up to us, and only us, to see and find out wat we can make use of it, even our worse experience, and our biggest wrong doing, can be used as an advantage, we just have to smart enuff to figure out how, and therefore (and ultimately, i might add) nothing is wrong. everythign is right, even if it seems to be "bad" at first, it is actually good, we have to be able to see through it.

learn from our so called mistake, is taking good advantage of the thing that we just did, and we put it to good use.

its up to us, to determine whether we can put to advantage whatever is happening around us.

we cant control everything around us, what we can control however is our mindset and our actions, lets start from there, lets start from within.

we cant control traffic, therefore if we want to be happy, lets change our mindset of it. 90% of the time when we are honking acting like we need to get to the destination in a hurry...90% of the time, we dont HAVE to make it on time, when u r going to the mall, do have to be at the mall at exactly on time? no, u r going out for gods sake, is it really necessary to be quick?

here is what i normally do when iam in the car..i personally, love to listen to music in my car, if there was a great car that i wanna buy and it has no stereo system, i ait never gonna buy that car. so when its traffic i always think "great more time to listen to music!!!!"

cuz i always kinda hate it when my favourite music has just started playing and i have reached my destination already...

so there u go....all about our way of thinking.


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