Saturday, June 23, 2007

the old friend

well, i finally got to meet my old friend who i havent met for over 10 years, and least to say, we got the shock of our lives...cuz we looked so freakin different to each other, he is freaking taller than i am now, that dude used to be the shortest in our class.

but it was great, we talked about the good old days when we were classmates, and all the shit that we used to do and other people used to do.

but most of all, looking at that dude of mine, i got reminded when things were more simple, more straightforward. when things just werent so complicated yet, when reality was still good to us and never bit us in any way yet.

and after all the crap that has been happening to me and my life, looking and talking to that dude, during that particular moment, i tell you, life was back to what it once was, and it just felt so freakin good, to get that feeling once again.

it gave me a feel to what life should be.

given the fact that we seperated into our own ways, he went to singapore and i, hell, we just couldnt help but notice the changes we have had in the past, but nonetheless we are still the same, i guess it only goes to say that, people dont really change their nature, they just evolve into MORE than what they are. we cant change, puppies will always grow into dogs, kitten into cats, u cant expect kittens to grow into dogs, i guess its the same for us human, we just grow more of what we actually are.

in the end, amidst all the chaos, its nice to know that there is still that one particular friend who can assure you a good time and will always be by your side no matter what.


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