Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Orderly Chaos

I have a firm believe that everything in this world is in order and that everything is just perfect and that everything is just as it should be, that everything, even the rustling of the leaves and the branches, has a purpose of its own, although it is beyond my understanding and comprehension; but it’s a belief, a faith, and miracles have happened through a leap of faith.

One way to test your level of understanding, would be to place yourself in the busiest street you can comprehend, probably like the Chandni Chowk market in India in the morning where everything is just bustling. A person who has a high level of understanding can see the purpose behind the entire racket, a person with low understanding can just see the racket and not the purpose.

In short, to be understanding is to be able to see the purpose behind every happening that goes on around you. To be able to understand why that person in front of you is driving his car so slowly even when the road is empty ahead of him. To be able to understand why that rickshaw driver is driving so fast and almost knocked the living day lights out of you. You can be sure that that guy ahead of your car is not doing just so he could annoy you (its possible but chances are pretty low), you can also be sure that that rickshaw driver did not want to kill you.

Can you imagine how much work was put for that rickshaw driver to drive his rickshaw so fast? A mundane human may say, “well all he had to do was to paddle that rickshaw fast with his mighty legs and away he goes.” That may be right.

But the universe put way more work, this guy’s soul has lived a thousand lives before he was born as a rickshaw driver, he needed to be born with strong legs, another person needed to be born to sell rickshaws in the future, the many “coincidence” that had to happen for the rickshaw driver and the rickshaw seller to meet and make a deal, the many persons and characters those 2 people’s lives revolved around on, just so that one day he will be able to whiz his rickshaw right by you on that one glorious day; to say that there is no purpose in this would be an insult to the universe.

The distance that the wind has traveled just so it can blow on the leaves of the trees right outside your door, there has to be a purpose in everything. It is out duty to accept this fact. That everything has a purpose.

What is OUR purpose in this life?
If you were to ask me, I would say that your purpose is what you make of it, it is not written anywhere what you purpose in life should be. That rickshaw driver has made it his purpose (consciously or unconsciously aside) to drive people around from point A to point B. The saints have made it their purpose to help people out of their misery. Everyone and everything has a purpose. Your purpose is what you make of it, because you were given the gift of choice, therefore choose wisely.


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